This topic will open the way for us to consider how demographic and gravitational shifts in Christianity, in relation to broader religious dynamics within and across the global North and global South, as well as contemporary attunement to issues such as race/ethnicity, sex-gender dynamics, contextuality, migration, empire, sexism, heteronormativity, and inclusion have affected the self-understanding of churches and denominations and affected the relations between them.
Keynote Speaker
The Rev. Dr. Casely Baiden Essamuah
Secretary, Global Christian Forum
The Rev. Dr. Casely B. Essamuah serves as Secretary to the Global Christian Forum which creates space for encountering between, among, and beyond the World Council of Churches, the World Evangelical Alliance, the Pentecostal World Fellowship, and the Roman Catholic Church through the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity. Previously, Dr. Essamuah served as Global Missions Pastor for Park Street Church in Boston, MA. and Bay Area Community Church in Annapolis, MD. He facilitated those churches’ global engagements, which included million-dollar partnerships, and involving thousands of short-term and vocational missionaries. The projects included church planting, leadership development, youth evangelism and discipleship, HIV/AIDS prevention, and medical ministries.
Originally from Ghana, West Africa, and an ordained minister of the Methodist Church Ghana, since 1990, Dr. Essamuah holds an MDiv from Harvard Divinity School and a doctorate from Boston University School of Theology. He also serves as Secretary to the World Relief board and was Synod Secretary to the North America Mission Diocese of the Methodist Church Ghana, which has 50 churches in Canada and the United States. A reflective practitioner of his faith, he is a bi-cultural bridge-builder, straddling the spheres of the global South and North, while working in missions, ecumenism, the church, and the academy.
Panel Discussion
Moderator –
Executive Vice President and Dean and Associate Professor of Theology, Brite Divinity School, Fort Worth, Texas
Panel Members –
Senior Pastor at St. Peter’s United Church of Christ and Vice President of the Carmel Interfaith Alliance, Carmel, Indiana
Distinguished Professor of World Christianity, Presbyterian University and Theological Seminary, Director of the Korea Institute for Future Ecumenism, and General Secretary-Elect, Council for World Mission
Senior Minister, Northway Christian Church, and Member of Faith Forward Dallas, Dallas, TX, and Board of Trustees Member, Brite Divinity School
Mission Secretary, Pacific, Christian World Mission
Presented by
Register at https://www.bigmarker.com/brite/Stalcup-Lecture-on-Christian-Unity
I do not face, twit, etc. for moral, theological, and political reasons. I just use email. And please do not abuse it.
Also, I have already scheduled a zoom conference on June 12. I will attend the lecture if I can.
Will it be available on YouTube for viewinglater?