The World Council of Churches denounces any and every use of deadly armed force to resolve disputes that could be resolved by dialogue.
The World Council of Churches denounces any and every use of deadly armed force to resolve disputes that could be resolved by dialogue. We firmly believe that dialogue – based on the principles of international law and respect for established national borders – was and is the proper path for the resolution of tensions surrounding Ukraine. We call for an immediate end to the current armed hostilities, and for the protection of all human lives and communities threatened by this violence. We urge all member churches and all people of goodwill around the world to join us in prayer for peace for the people of Ukraine and the region.
Rev. Prof. Dr Ioan Sauca
Acting General Secretary
World Council of Churches
WCC gravely concerned for the people of Ukraine amid escalating tensions (WCC statement 22 February 2022)
WCC urgently appeals for peace for the people of Ukraine (WCC statement 25 January 2022)