Our Familiar Yet New Journey with an Ecumenical Partner
The full communion agreement between The United Church of Canada and the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) marks a new era of ecumenical partnership in North America. In our new covenantal relationship, we commit to being one church—not in a merger, but in God’s gift of unity that serves the world that God so loves.
A worship service to mark this agreement between the denominations will be held on October 6, 2019, at Broadway Disciples United Church in Winnipeg, MB. Broadway Disciples United Church is a shared ministry of our two churches, and it is a special gift to celebrate this agreement on World Communion Sunday.
We’re inviting communities of faith across the denominations, wherever you are, to join in the celebration! Visit the “Worship Resources“ page for a litany of commitment and bulletin insert with an affirmation of faith for congregations to mark this occasion in worship.
The United Church of Canada enthusiastically supported this full communion agreement at the 43rd General Council in July 2018, with delegates to the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) voting in favor of the agreement in July of 2019.
The 2019 General Assembly of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Des Moines, IA, approved Resolution #1922
, which includes Report on Full Communion with The United Church of Canada
, with gratitude for what the United Church has witnessed in North America as a Uniting and United Church movement.
This is the first time for the Disciples to establish a new full communion relationship with another communion in North America since the Disciples and the United Church of Christ (USA) entered into the covenantal commitment in 1989. The Global Ministries
of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and the United Church of Christ (USA), the merged common mission board of the two communions, has been touted as a model of cooperation in witnessing to Christ’s love and grace around the globe. In 2015, the United Church also entered into full communion and signed an agreement with the UCC (USA).
May the journey of full communion be truly transformative not only for the two prominent Christian communions but also for the world that God so loved the world that she gave her only Son so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life. (John 3:16)
For more information, contact:
Rev. Paul S. Tché
Ecumenical and Interfaith Officer
President of the Council on Christian Unity
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada
More Resources
Ramond A. Cuthbert, Church Union Discussion in Canada from the 1960s to 1980s Preceding the Full Communion of Today: A Canadian Disciples Perspective, CCU: Indianapolis, IN, 2019
Disciples of Christ Historical Society
Full Communion Agreement: Interviews from Church Leaders
Conversations with Disciples of Christ and United Church of Canada leaders about the Full Communion Agreement our churches have both voted to enter. Interviews are with:
- Teresa “Terri” Hord Owens, General Minister and President of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), and Richard Bott, Moderator, United Church of Canada
- Paul Tche, President, Council on Christian Unity of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), and Gail Allan, Coordinator, Ecumenical, Interchurch and Interfaith Relations, United Church of Canada
- Daniel Hayward, Minister, Chair of Theology and Interchurch Interfaith Committee of the United Church of Canada
These interviews were conducted on the day when the 2019 General Assembly passed the resolution regarding full communion.